Our Brand New Evolve Vertical Sliding Sash Windows from Kommerling.
Can you tell the difference ?
Our stunning Evolve vertical slider by Kommerling does everything a traditional sliding sash window does and a whole lot more. No more draughts or windows that wont open. Pre-tensioned balances make the sash glide up and down and the ability to tilt both panes inwards makes both maintenance and cleaning a doddle.
Key Features:
Sculptured Astragal bars to create an authentic look
Traditional run-through sash horns
'A’ Energy Rated
Both sashes slide and tilt for easy cleaning.
Deep bottom rail option
Reinforced with heavy galvanized steel
Pre-tensioned maintenance free high quality balances
A range of authentic colourways provide a serious alternative to traditional timber.
Equal glass height as standard
Virtually maintenance free