COVID 19: A strange couple of months.

COVID 19 has had a significant impact for many homes and businesses throughout the country. Most importantly we hope that all of our customers past and present are keeping safe and well.

It seems strange to not have put an update on our website sooner, but from our end Coronavirus has had its fair share of challenges in being able to run the business. Wherever possible we have continued to provide support to our existing customers while being able to process orders and provide quotes. Our suppliers had all understandably closed down so although we could’ve carried on whilst observing social distancing rules we were unable to get materials.

I’m now pleased to say that all of our suppliers are up and running once again and although some are running with skeleton teams we are starting to see orders coming through. As you can probably imagine resources are stretched right now with our suppliers so any orders coming in may be on an extended lead time - we will be able to advise you further with each order. It also goes without saying that we will be observing government advice and social distancing on all projects for the forseeable future.

I want to thank each and every customer who has been in touch throughout lockdown. We’ve got a busy few months ahead as we work through all of your orders. It’s encouraging that we’ve received so many enquiries and orders throughout the period and your extended support is very much appreciated.

Finally, we are aware lots of people are seeing the benefits of working from home through the period of lockdown. We have all had to adjust to new and exciting ways of working and for many this may be an opportunity for permanent change. As a way of supporting local businesses through this transition we would like to offer free installation on our composite garden rooms for a limited time. These bespoke spaces are the perfect home office, studio or workspace. Please contact us for further details.
