Meet The Newest Addition To The Team

Many of our existing customers will have already met Pumpkin our resident Puggle; head of quality control and technical support . As our work has increased Pumpkin’s demands for gravy bones have in turn escalated and to be quite frank been quite unrealistic so we have taken the decision to relax her duties somewhat and take on an extra pair of err paws …

So without further ado, let me introduce you to Ivy, the newest and youngest member of our team. Ivy is a two year old Lurcher originally from Ireland and has been rehomed with us via Dogs Trust. She’ll be taking quality control very seriously having taken a crash course from Pumpkin so rest assured our standards will not be slipping (infact her eye for detail is even more thorough than Pumpkin’s!). Ivy likes to spend her spare time sleeping (lots), running and chasing after squirrels (fruitlessly) her favourite product that we do is Composite Doors!

Please join us in welcoming Ivy to the team.